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Use LangChain off-the-shelf evaluators (Python only)

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Before diving into this content, it might be helpful to read the following:

LangChain provides a suite of off-the-shelf evaluators you can use right away to evaluate your application performance without writing any custom code. These evaluators are meant to be used more as a starting point for evaluation.


Create a dataset and set up the LangSmith client in Python to follow along

from langsmith import Client

client = Client()

# Create a dataset
examples = [
("Ankush", "Hello Ankush"),
("Harrison", "Hello Harrison"),

dataset_name = "Hello Set"
dataset = client.create_dataset(dataset_name=dataset_name)
inputs, outputs = zip(
*[({"input": input}, {"expected": expected}) for input, expected in examples]
client.create_examples(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs,

Use question and answer (correctness) evaluators

Question and answer (QA) evaluators help to measure the correctness of a response to a user query or question. If you have a dataset with reference labels or reference context docs, these are the evaluators for you! Three QA evaluators you can load are: "qa", "context_qa", "cot_qa". Based on our meta-evals, we recommend using "cot_qa", or Chain of Thought QA.

Here is a trivial example that uses a "cot_qa" evaluator to evaluate a simple pipeline that prefixes the input with "Hello":

from langsmith import Client
from langsmith.evaluation import LangChainStringEvaluator, evaluate

cot_qa_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator("cot_qa")

client = Client()
lambda input: "Hello " + input["input"],

Use criteria evaluators

If you don't have ground truth reference labels, you can evaluate your run against a custom set of criteria using the "criteria" evaluators. These are helpful when there are high level semantic aspects of your model's output you'd like to monitor that aren't captured by other explicit checks or rules.

  • The "criteria" evaluator instructs an LLM to assess if a prediction satisfies the given criteria, outputting a binary score (0 or 1) for each criterion
from langsmith import Client
from langsmith.evaluation import LangChainStringEvaluator, evaluate

criteria_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
"criteria": {
"says_hello": "Does the submission say hello?",

client = Client()
lambda input: "Hello " + input["input"],
Supported Criteria

Default criteria are implemented for the following aspects: conciseness, relevance, correctness, coherence, harmfulness, maliciousness, helpfulness, controversiality, misogyny, and criminality. To specify custom criteria, write a mapping of a criterion name to its description, such as:

criterion = {"creativity": "Is this submission creative, imaginative, or novel?"}
criteria_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
config={"criteria": criterion}
Interpreting the Score

Evaluation scores don't have an inherent "direction" (i.e., higher is not necessarily better). The direction of the score depends on the criteria being evaluated. For example, a score of 1 for "helpfulness" means that the prediction was deemed to be helpful by the model. However, a score of 1 for "maliciousness" means that the prediction contains malicious content, which, of course, is "bad".

Use labeled criteria evaluators

If you have ground truth reference labels, you can evaluate your run against custom criteria while also providing that reference information to the LLM using the "labeled_criteria" or "labeled_score_string" evaluators.

  • The "labeled_criteria" evaluator instructs an LLM to assess if a prediction satisfies the criteria, taking into account the reference label
  • The "labeled_score_string" evaluator instructs an LLM to assess the prediction against a reference label on a specified scale
from langsmith import Client
from langsmith.evaluation import LangChainStringEvaluator, evaluate

labeled_criteria_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
"criteria": {
"helpfulness": (
"Is this submission helpful to the user,"
" taking into account the correct reference answer?"

labeled_score_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
"criteria": {
"accuracy": "How accurate is this prediction compared to the reference on a scale of 1-10?"
"normalize_by": 10,

client = Client()
lambda input: "Hello " + input["input"],

Use string or embedding distance metrics

To measure the similarity between a predicted string and a reference, you can use string distance metrics:

  • The "string_distance" evaluator computes a normalized string edit distance between the prediction and reference
  • The "embedding_distance" evaluator computes the distance between the text embeddings of the prediction and reference
# !pip install rapidfuzz
from langsmith.evaluation import LangChainStringEvaluator, evaluate

string_distance_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
config={"distance": "levenshtein", "normalize_score": True}

embedding_distance_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
# Defaults to OpenAI, but you can customize which embedding provider to use:
# "embeddings": HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model="distilbert-base-uncased"),
# Can also choose "euclidean", "chebyshev", "hamming", and "manhattan"
"distance_metric": "cosine",

lambda input: "Hello " + input["input"],

Use a custom LLM in off-the-shelf evaluators

You can customize the model used for any LLM-based evaluator (criteria or QA). Note that this currently requires using LangChain libraries.

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from langchain_core.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate
from langsmith.evaluation import LangChainStringEvaluator

eval_llm = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0, model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
cot_qa_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator("cot_qa", config={"llm": eval_llm})

lambda input: "Hello " + input["input"],

Handle multiple input or output fields

LangChain off-the-shelf evaluators work seamlessly if your input dictionary, output dictionary, or example dictionary each have single fields. If you have multiple fields, you can use the prepare_data function to extract the relevant fields for evaluation. These map the keys "prediction", "reference", and "input" to the correct fields in the input and output dictionaries.

For the below example, we have a model that outputs two fields: "greeting" and "foo". We want to evaluate the "greeting" field against the "expected" field in the output dictionary.

from langsmith import Client
from langsmith.evaluation import LangChainStringEvaluator, evaluate

labeled_criteria_evaluator = LangChainStringEvaluator(
"criteria": {
"helpfulness": (
"Is this submission helpful to the user,"
" taking into account the correct reference answer?"
prepare_data=lambda run, example: {
"prediction": run.outputs["greeting"],
"reference": example.outputs["expected"],
"input": example.inputs["input"],

client = Client()
lambda input: {"greeting": "Hello " + input["input"], "foo": "bar"},

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